P.O.Box 41864
Hyde Park
South Africa
Excellent | 7 | |
Good | 1 | |
Average | 0 | |
Poor | 0 | |
Terrible | 0 |
Londolozi is in the very heart of the Sabi Sands
Game Reserve, which in turn forms part of the
Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park, a vast area
of wildlands, currently covering six million
acres and incorporating the famous Kruger
National Park. It is in this rich wild wonderland
that four exclusive Londolozi camps and the
Private Granite Suites reside, secluded amongst
towering trees on the banks of the Sand River.
In creating each camp we have kept the guests’
need for an authentic bush experience as our
primary guide while catering for the full
spectrum of imaginable services. Every suite
and chalet blends seamlessly into nature’s
organic design and celebrates the beauty of the
location and bushveld surroundings.
Simplicity, elegance, style, fun, adventure and
minimal impact are the hallmarks
of the Londolozi Camps which ultimately
create an environment of meditative luxury.
Honouring the past, celebrating the present
3 Superior Chalets
7 Chalets
The story of adventurers in a bygone era
Three Private Suites
A private river affair
Three Private Suites
The most stylish family run camp in Africa
Six Private Suites
The heart & soul of Londolozi
Eight Chalets and Two Superior Chalets
G A M E D R I V E S : Londolozi is blessed with spectacular game viewing areas. Two game
Drives are scheduled daily, at dawn and dusk, each approximately three hours.
J O H N V A R T Y C I N E M A T O G R A P H Y C E N T R E : One of the
rondavels which makes up the original Sparta Hunting Camp reflects the passsion and energy that John Varty
contributed to our Londolozi phylosophy. Conservation films are available upon request.
S H A N G A N E C U L T U R A L E X P E R I E N C E : Daily lectures and tours of a
model Shangane Cultural Village include a visit to the Craft Centre, our Learning Centre and pre-school.
L O N D O L O Z I L I V I N G : A carefully selected range of Safari clothes, and luggage, African artifacts, Ashanti bracelets and necklaces, Admore pottery and Ingewne glass art piecies are on display for our Guests.
L O N D O L O Z I W I L D : A programme has been developed to compliment yet reach beyond the game drive experience. Activities include: full moon walks, clay pigeon shooting, bush running,
tracking adventures, all day walking expeditions, overnight bush sleepouts, deep ecology discussions, fishing
on the Sand River.
L O N D O L O Z I L I F E : is designed to reflect and harmonise with the rhythms and cycles of
nature. Londolozi Life offers the means of creating balance – in body, mind and soul:
 Y O G A : Guests can enjoy a daily group yoga class (included) or opt for a private lesson (upon
request) on their deck or sala with our resident yoga instructor
 M A S S A G E : Therapies on offer include Swedish massage, aromatherapy Thai massage and reiki
healing. All therapies are offered either in the privacy of your room or deck or at the Life Centre
 F I T N E S S : The Life Centre exercise room overlooks the Sand River and is shaded by ancient
ebony trees. Balls, bikes and running machines provide a fabulous workout for every level of fitness.
L O N D O L O Z I C H I L D R E N ’ S P R O G R A M M E S : The Londolozi Cub
and Future Nature Bush School programmes will open up the magic of the wilderness for children. Cubs
programmes are available at no extra cost . Future Nature is a specialised intervention for ages 6 -16 at an
extra cost. Visit www.futurenature.com for more information
 Schedule Flights
Federal Air operates daily flights from Oliver Tambo International Airport to the Londolozi airstrip, which is
a five-minute drive from the camp
Daily scheduled flights from Johannesburg International Airport to Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport
(KMIA) on Nationwide Airline or SA Express, who also offer scheduled flights from Durban and Cape Town
to Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport (KMIA)
Transfers from KMIA to Londolozi airstrip are conducted either by light aircraft (20 minutes)
or road transfer (two and a half hours)
We recommend the Federal Air service direct to Londolozi
 Charter Flights
Private charters on request
Helicopter transfers on request
 Privately owned aircrafts
Indemnity Form to be completed prior to arrival
Complimentary transfers between the Londolozi airstrip and the Londolozi Camps
 Noise Impact Levy
Travel consultants are asked to design itinararies which enable mid-day arrivals
Please Note any aircraft landing before 9h00 in the morning or after 16h00 in the afternoon
will be levied a ZAR1000.00 noise impact surcharge.
Two an a half hours transfer from KMIA to Londolozi on request
500 km from Johannesburg, an easy six-hour drive on National Roads
Sabi Game Sands Reserve Road levy of ZAR80.00 per vehicles (subject to change)</p>